December 2023 - Group Love

December 1st.

Elvis Fundraising Bonanza.

I had been planning this night for months. I have done small time fundraising for different charities for many years but this was different. This was raising money for a friend. From the outset I was taken back by the outpouring of support, both financially and practically by my group of family and friends and the extended group of my friends' family and friends. 

To me, it was a humbling experience - to see what the power of a worthwhile goal will bring about in a group all pooling together, affected me to the core. It is not too much to say that this is one of the reasons I have started this now and have faith in it's success.

December 4th

Homecoming - A Band of Brothers

Abob is a charity designed to mentor young men that are involved or likely to become involved in the criminal justice system.  Part of the process is a 3 stage 'Quest' that involves a initiation weekend away, a 12 week workshop cycle, followed by the 'Homecoming' where the young men are welcomed back and celebrated as part of the Brother fellowship.  This occurred to me as a fine example of group love, a pool of men in the service of a greater aim, holding a vision in their hearts for the good of the community. I know how this feels as I am an initiated Brother and., although I do not attend on a regular basis, know that I am welcome at any moment.

December 5th

On reading Torkom it became clear how, in order to be in group love, one has to synthesise and submit ones will for the good of the all. simply put, the ego will have to be aside, allowing something bigger in. 

Abob has an oath 'Take nothing personally' - wow! If I/we were to follow this most of the worlds ills would be cured overnight.

December 6th

 Strange thought today - I am trying to meet my maker before 'meeting my maker ' (dying). It also became clear what will be my biggest obstacle as I see it - my fondness for alcohol.

December 7th

Overnight I started to try something I have been meaning to do for years. This is a practice suggested by Masuru Emoto in his book the 'Hidden messages in Water'. Simple write a word or phrase, in this case 'Group Love' on a piece of paper and stand a glass of water over it during the night. The premise is that the words affect the formation of the crystals in the water and then, when drunk, affect the person with a positive effect.

December 8th

Today I revisited something I haven't thought about for years - the Global Coherence Initiative' by Heartmath. They have a bigger than ever presence online(including an app) that's goal is to get people to hold heartfelt intentions at certain times for particular areas of need and move from the heart to create group love on a planetary scale.

December 9th

'Where two or three are gathered in my name, I ma there with them' - Mathew 18:20

I was bought up in the Roman Catholic faith and my mum was a staunch follower.  Whilst I do not actively go to church I am a great believer in the teachings of Jesus. This quote came to me as a good demonstration of the importance of group love.

December 10th

Meditation Sunday

For over 20 years I have attended a once a month practice of meditation and reflection with a small group of like minded people.  In this company I can be present to joining in group love to work towards that which gives us, personally and collectively, a different perspective to life.

December 11th

According to the teachings relayed by Torkom, irritation is a great menace to the human being, putting poison into the bloodstream. I seem to let myself get irritated a great deal, very small things can irritate me and do throughout the day. This month I have been practicing observing irritation arise and let it go straight away, if it persists I take a few deep breaths and return calm. I really hope I keep this up as it is so enhancing to my day.

December 12th

These are very early days but I have found that some of my tastes have changed at the moment. The biggest example is I usually like to listen to rock music when I am exercising in the morning but now I am listening to my meditation music.

December 13th

Energy levels dropped today and there was a certain sluggishness throughout the day. It is interesting to reflect That when I feel low or ill, all attention is drawn into the body and the will to reflect or look for higher values recedes.

December 14th

Reading again today, this passage is from Kahil Gibrans' Jesus the Son of Man - 'Today I am with you but tomorrow I go Westward, but ere I go, I say unto you that your neighbour is your unknown self made visible. Seek him in love that you may know yourself, for only in that knowledge will you become my brothers.'

How much more descriptive and poetic than 'Love thy neighbour as Thyself'.

December 15th

Observing my wife in action I am reminded of how much I aspire to be like her. In everything thta she does she always puts the other person first and acts accordingly - a great example for my over thinking self.

December 16th

I was not inspired to make an entry today. I guess there will be many times throughout the year when this will be the case.

December 17th

My intention throughout the year will be to draw from as many sources of inspiration that I can, both for personal use and to share. With this in mind I acme across a book on Judaism and realised this is a religion missing from my bookshelf so I purchased and started to read.

December 18th

I realised that I can bring group love to mind when practicing my meditation as I recall the different people I have practiced with throughout the years

December 19th

Today I am reading again the Hidden Messages in Water.  Simply put Emoto is saying that water takes on the form of the intentions and thoughts of what it is surrounded by.  To me it is a perfect example of the power of living in the Heart.  If I practice virtues and wellbeing, then these will be used by the water that makes up my body and also that of others. As emoto puts it 'If you fill your heart with love and gratitude, you will find yourself surrounded by so much that you can love  and that you can be grateful for, and you can get even closer to enjoying the life of health and happiness that you seek'.

December 20th

One of the things that I am enjoying most is the desire to go through the many books on religion and philosophy that I have to seek guidance from each, keeping an open mind as they all have something to share.

December 21st

'Busy' day today as the big day approaches. Most of the business was going on in my head as I seem to be getting more excited than normal about the whole festivities this year. Must admit it did not leave much room for anything else!

December 22nd

Reflecting on yesterday and 'busyness'.  This appears to be one of the major requirements for today's living but does not particularly seem to be progressing life a great deal - perhaps there is room for a slower pace of life with more of 'Being' rather than 'Doing'.

December 23rd

Following on with thoughts on 'busyness', for a number of years I was involved in a philosophical group and one of the practices was to take regular times throughout the day to connect with your senses., in other words pause and still the mind. I realise that I have not been very good at this but recently I have been viewing my actions and withdrawing  my sense of ownership to them. I think this is a good start.

December 24th

All around people like to gather in groups - at this time of year especially for Carols. Group gatherings have been prevalent throughout all ages/races, so surely this must indicate their fundamental importance. How powerful then is a group held together by love.

This morning I was undecided whether to go to my mum's 'church' that she visited for 80 years (and I know well), or a little service at a local community church that I have never been to but I know carries out a lot of good work in the town. I chose the small group and was pleased as it opened up a new experience and learning from the way they presented their teachings.

December 25th

Not surprisingly,  the centre of today's focus is Jesus  I have my own feelings about who The Christ was and what he was preaching.  For me, this ancient prayer expresses it best -

More radiant than the Sun,

Purer than the driven snow,

Subtler than the ether is the Self,

The spirit within my Heart,

That Self am I,  I am that Self.

To me, his teachings weren't alluding to just him or the chosen ones, but to all humankind.

I decided to have some alcohol today (I had gone 3 weeks without, something of a record for me!) and immediately noticed my closing down, especially being judgemental. I want to remember this lesson to help refrain in the coming months.

December 26th

Thoughts today change to the New Year ahead and the big plans I have - entertaining in Care Homes, promoting my existing  book, working on a new publication and creating an online presence for 'A Year Lived in the Heart'.  Did not cover as much ground as I would have liked today but time management is a skill I must polish up on.

December 27th

My lovely wife bought me a book 'A writers Journal' - very adapt in the circumstances!. Started it today and was immediately given an idea how I could formulate my publication - it is said the 'ask and shall be given', I am making this my New Year resolution.

December 28th

Despite good? intentions I let family life intervene in my desire to get on with my journaling today

December 29th

I am driving slowly, more slowly than I would like, behind some cars on a 'fast road'. Ahead is right turn with a different route, surely the best option now. Straight after turning it is clear this was the wrong choice, 50 is the bold sign which must be completely oblivious to the driver in front. Surely they will speed up soon, the irritation levels are starting to rise, a bend occurs in the road 25, 20 15, nearly 10 mph. I would have liked to have thought 'what a careful driver' but my veins were now starting to bubble up. Another bend saw the venting channel we call the voice now engaged and a shout fills the air in my car. A mile or two down the road my intentions to the driver wouldn't have bought much good cheer. 

I mention the above as an example to myself of how easily I become embroiled in the show - heart qualities disappear and goodness knows what may have happened in that state of being. A good lesson.

December 30th

Enjoying a book I picked up at the coffee shop 'Undefended Love' - the title caught my eye and whilst I am not normally drawn to counsellors, this particular book strikes a cord with me as it talks a lot about uncovering our 'Essence' or true being, in order to be open and enjoy relationships to the full.  I am now open to any source  that may help to uncover my own layers in the months ahead.

December 31st

My first month over and I reflect on the month just gone. I found that Group Love is not a virtue that I find easy to understand and don't admit to completing understanding what is being proposed.  However I have made my own practice of trying to bring groups I have been involved in, to mind, at certain times (namely after meditation).  I have not had much alcohol, a fraction of normal. Although I have become embroiled in minor irritations I have managed to mediate these with some observation and not let them carry on too long.  

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